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Projetando uma solução de triagem: 3 chaves a considerar

February 24, 2022
O Diretor de Fulfillment atribui a você um projeto para especificar um novo sistema de triagem e transportador capaz de "dobrar" as capacidades atuais. Por onde começar? Primeiro, comece entendendo e desafiando a verdadeira triagem e os requisitos do sistema. Os sistemas de transporte e triagem são soluções projetadas. Como a maioria dos problemas de engenharia, a solução geralmente é tão boa quanto suas entradas.

Designing a Sortation Solution: 3 Keys to Consider

September 01, 2021
Conveyor and sortation systems are engineered solutions. Like most engineering problems, the solution is typically only as good as its inputs. Accurate data upfront ensures the solution is tailored to your individual business requirements and product specifications.

Bastian Solutions Modular Sorter

August 19, 2020
Due to the rapidly expanding industry of ecommerce, ease of installation and maintenance of conveyor systems is exceedingly critical to remain competitive in today’s material handling market. The more complicated the system, the more of an impact this can have on its design and success as a solution. In material conveyance terms, sortation is one of the most complicated problems out there. Typical medium rate sortation requires AC power, DC power, and pneumatics for successful sortation of packages up to 75 pounds in weight. They provide rates up to 300FPM at 85CPMwith a maximum sorter length of 150ft. Bastian Solutions’ conveyor team has now developed a solution that provides the same speed at 90CPM, an unlimited maximum sorter length, and requires nothing but low-voltage DC power for operation, all while offering competitive pricing; the Modular Sorter.

How to Choose the Correct Divert for Your Sortation Conveyor System

November 12, 2019
With so many options available, choosing the right type of divert for your sortation system can be difficult. These are the factors to consider.

Choosing your Material Handling System: A Quest for the Right Solution

May 14, 2019
Your business is starting to take off and orders are coming in faster than you can keep up. It’s starting to look like time for an upgrade to your warehouse system, but where should you begin your search? These tips will help you start the journey.

The Foundation of Conveyor System Design

September 07, 2012
As a material handling system integrator, one of the most popular requests we receive from our clients is to design a conveyor system for their operations. When this happens, one of the first things we do is ask about the product this new system will convey. Surprisingly, many customers don't understand why we need this information, but the product specifications are the foundation to building a great conveyor system, and here's why...
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

